On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 19:58, rew <rew-googlegro...@bitwizard.nl> wrote:
> I'm giving up. The resulting file is 3.4Gb. Apparently it got written
> ok, but all "readers" have trouble. This is probably because the
> IFD is beyond the 2Gb mark. (I've followed flow of code through
> tifftopnm, and it SHOULD fail if it doesn't mmap the file. In practise
> however it does mmap the file, and still fails. I haven't figured out
> why yet.)

There was an issue with libtiff not being able to read large TIFF
files - it tries to mmap and fails. I compiled once a patched version
of libtiff for this, and it worked. See the image here:
and the patch described here:



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