hi all

I am comparing a recent SVN version of Hugin on both Ubuntu (9.04 64bit) 
and Windows (XP 32bit). It's all on the same workstation (Athlon X2 
6000+ 8GB) with the same gigabit network to the same server where the 
input TIFF files are stored. I don't really care about rendering time 
(computing time is cheap) but about the human time interacting with the 

It's the same project, 18 input TIFF

In Windows, every single operation I do is *slow*. Even when I tick on a 
checkbox such as optimize for the pitch of image number 3 in the 
Optimizer tab. In Ubuntu all of these operations are nearly 
instantaneous. In Windows, I see in the status bar "loading image XXX" 
with XXX being the name of the image file. And I see three of them, all 
the time the same three, no matter what operation I do.

Maybe Ubuntu is better at buffering the loaded images? maybe I don't 
have enough empty disk space in Windows? I know too little of Hugin's 
internal to determine what causes the problem but it does bother me.

Any idea what could cause it, or how I could research the cause?


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