
>From what I can remember of hugins internals, every time you tick a box on
the optimizer tabs, a bunch of things happen.

The panos entire state is duplicated and store away, to allow for undo/redo.
All of the other tabs are notified the pano's state has changed and they
each may or may not do something.
In the case of the optimizer tabs, this means they update every checkbox
listed.  In other tabs it may mean something else.

The "loading image " is probably coming from the ImageCache in
base_wx/ImageCache.cpp Line 539.  I can't see why checking a box in the
optimizer should cause a call to the getImage() routine there, although
reloading the cache might be a step in one of the tabs notification
routine.  If so, the cache may not be behaving the same under windows.

To figure out which "listener" (each tab is a listener to the panoramas
state) has the cache hit,  try adding some debug code to the loop at line
1029 in src/hugin_base/panodata/Panorama.cpp.  If you put debug statements
before and after the call to each "listener" panoramaImagesChanged()
routine, they should come back quickly.  If there is a pause for one of them
and not the others, you have found where to start looking.  Now the trick is
which listener is causing the delay.  I would guess it is the ImagesPanel
Tab, but I would add some debug code at the begining and end if the
panoramaImagesChanged() routine there to make sure.

Looking at the code,the ImagesPanel tab sure is making a call to
UpdatePreviewImage() each time the pano changes...Which happens each time a
box is ticked in the optimizer tab.  So, that cache better be working or you
get delays....

The code for the image cache is in hugin1/base_wx/ImageCache.cpp.  Perhaps
you can "instrument" (see putting a bunch of printfs in....) the code in
that file and compile it for both windows and linux.  That may help you see
where the differences are when you run it on both platforms.

Best Regards,

- Gerry

On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 9:46 PM, Yuval Levy <goo...@levy.ch> wrote:

> hi all
> I am comparing a recent SVN version of Hugin on both Ubuntu (9.04 64bit)
> and Windows (XP 32bit). It's all on the same workstation (Athlon X2
> 6000+ 8GB) with the same gigabit network to the same server where the
> input TIFF files are stored. I don't really care about rendering time
> (computing time is cheap) but about the human time interacting with the
> software.
> It's the same project, 18 input TIFF
> In Windows, every single operation I do is *slow*. Even when I tick on a
> checkbox such as optimize for the pitch of image number 3 in the
> Optimizer tab. In Ubuntu all of these operations are nearly
> instantaneous. In Windows, I see in the status bar "loading image XXX"
> with XXX being the name of the image file. And I see three of them, all
> the time the same three, no matter what operation I do.
> Maybe Ubuntu is better at buffering the loaded images? maybe I don't
> have enough empty disk space in Windows? I know too little of Hugin's
> internal to determine what causes the problem but it does bother me.
> Any idea what could cause it, or how I could research the cause?
> Yuv
> >

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