Hi Bruno,

 Thank you for message. I capture images as text file for the same reason,
because image file can not handle floating point data. My research involves
in dealing with quantitative analysis of images. I was trying to load 32 bit
floating point tiff images saved using 'ImageJ' and load them in hugin to
make a panorama. So, my aim is to somehow preserve the 32 bit floating point
values when I save the panorama.

 The image that is being saved has 32 bit floating point numbers in the
pixel. But, none of software can read the 2 channel image that is being
saved. It will great if I can extract the channel with the image data. I
generally do post-processing in matlab. Is it possible to save the final
panorama as a ASCII text file or image (where image is just an array of

 I am working on to know more of the inner workings of hugin and panotools.
I appreciate any help.

Have a great weekend,

On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 3:03 AM, Bruno Postle <br...@postle.net> wrote:

> On Fri 29-May-2009 at 15:53 -0700, Ravi wrote:
> >
> > My name is Ravi and I am PhD student. I am using hugin to stitch
> >multiple pictures as part of my project. I work with 32 bit float
> >images. I was able to load the images into hugin and stitch them. I
> >also got similar problem where the panorama is either completely black
> >or completely white. I am sure the procedure as described by Tom in
> >the previous message will work fine, because I have been following
> >similar procedure for a different application. But, I am having with
> >the output. I am saving the images as tiff images but I am can not
> >view the images. I tried to open the image using ImageJ, Matlab and
> >Gimp.
> Floating-point image data isn't normally usable by paint programs
> like the Gimp, the image needs to be processed somehow to fit the
> data to the capability of your screen.
> So either use a tool like cinepaint that lets you view HDR data
> while editing, or tonemap with a tool like qtpfsgui to create an LDR
> version.
> --
> Bruno
> >

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