2009/6/3 Harry van der Wolf <hvdw...@gmail.com>:
> 2009/6/3 Stuart Henderson <s...@spacehopper.org>
>> On 2009-06-01, Bruno Postle <br...@postle.net> wrote:
>> >
>> > * hugin will use system lapack if available.  Note that this is
>> > experimental, you may find that optimisation is slower than before
>> > and may even fail.
>> On my system (OpenBSD) lapack is detected and used if it's installed,
>> but we must also link with libm and libblas, otherwise there are
>> unresolved symbols, causing linking of celeste_standalone to fail.
> Same on MacOSX (also in the earlier builds after 3880). I thought it had
> something to do with MacOSX being a little different than the linuxes and
> BSD's around.
> The cmake version finds lapack, but the build itself doesn't use it. why?
> (still MacOSX being a little different?)
> The XCode build just "crashed" due to the unresolved dependencies.
> As we are trying to release a stable 0.8, I disabled the lapack
> functionality for OSX as Hugin has functioned correctly very long without
> it. So, I decided to postpone it on OSX after the 0.8 release (and yes, I
> know, that was not a democratic decision).  That's also why I decided not to
> ask Lukas about it as he is busy now with his gsoc project.
> Hoi,
> Harry
> >

I'll fix that, but probably not until tomorow.


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