Harry, Carl: Don't know if it is an old Macintosh path style, but I'm
an old Macintosher. I manually make and nest folders on the hard drive
using the "add folder" buttons (I dislike the way Åpple now wants us
to use their prenamed folders within different "Users" environments).
In this case the photos were only numbered, inside a TRAIN PHOTOS
folder, inside the PHOTOS/RK folder on my HD disc folder. Maybe that
backslash did it in the PHOTOS/RK name. (Apple in my experience
doesn't get wigged out by slashes and punctuation in it's file and
folder names like PCs do, but maybe Hugin doesn't like them either, so
I took it out just now.
I loaded them using the "Load Images" button in Hugin Assistant tab;
again, pretty straightforward.
  I will try the steps Carl suggested above regarding making discrete
project folders, and I will recopy the app again; I was concerned that
it might be conflicting with older installations of Hugin, but the
only file I found outside the Applications folder was a preferences
file in my Library. Thanks for the reply.

On Jun 8, 12:08 am, Harry van der Wolf <hvdw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Bob,
> I had the same questions as Carl.
> The path statement is really weird.
> It says: /PHOTOS\:RK folder/TRAIN PHOTOS folder/_1010657.JPG.
> The ":" inside which needs to be escaped, hence the backslash in front of
> it, is really peculiar.
> It looks a bit like the "old" Macintosh way of path's like PHOTOS*:*RK
> folder*:*TRAIN PHOTOS folder*:*_1010657.JPG.
> But than partially "POSIX"  with the forward slashes.
> Next to that it also says "RK folder" and "TRAIN PHOTOS folder". Did you
> really name you folders to something like "<foldernname> folder"?
> In case you did name the folder path with a ":" inside, please try to avoid
> that.
> Kind regards,
> Harry
> 2009/6/8 Carl von Einem <c...@einem.net>
> > Hi Bob,
> > dragging hugin from the .dmg to your app folder should be ok. I usually
> > drag all the contents of the dmg to a new folder like 'hugin_svn3888' so
> > I get no conflicts with older versions. Works perfectly on my G5.
> > That part of the path looks strange:
> > /PHOTOS\:RK folder/
> > How did you add your images to the hugin project? Did you drag and drop
> > from a different app like iPhoto? If so, the easiest workaround would be
> > to create a new folder somewhere (e.g. your desktop) named after the
> > project. I always try to not use spaces or special cases like Umlauts in
> > my path and file names just to make sure that all the tools bundled with
> > hugin find their way easily.
> > Now drag all your needed images and the pto file in that same project
> > folder, open the .pto file in a text editor like TextWrangler and have a
> > look at the image names. Here you should find something like
> > /PHOTOS\:RK folder/TRAIN PHOTOS folder/_1010657.JPG
> > just delete the complete path (/PHOTOS\:RK folder/TRAIN PHOTOS folder/)
> > so you keep the file names only (e.g. _1010657.JPG).
> > Save and close that pto file, open it in hugin and try again to stitch
> > your pano. Does it work now? If it does, just remember for new projects
> > to either add images from within the project or drag them from it's
> > folder in the finder, not from a different app.
> > Carl
> > Wallowa Bob wrote:
> > > Harry, and all the rest:
> > > I left a message a few weeks ago, and am back at it, trying to make
> > > Hugin stitch.
> > > I've downloaded version 0.7.0 and now 2 versions of 0.8.0, the latest
> > > being rc3. NONE of them will stitch, but all seem to work up until
> > > then.
> > > This is the error log I get:
> > > Checking nona...[OK]
> > > Checking enblend...[OK]
> > > Checking enfuse...[OK]
> > > Checking hugin_hdrmerge...[OK]
> > > Checking exiftool...[OK]
> > > Checking rm...[FAIL]
> > > gnumake: *** No rule to make target `/PHOTOS\:RK folder/TRAIN PHOTOS
> > > folder/_1010657.JPG', needed by `Trainpano10000.tif'.  Stop.
> > > Using my prodigious powers of deduction I am not installing it
> > > correctly or not using it correctly.
> > > INSTALLATION: As I said before I am not a geek and only know how to
> > > click on an installer or drag an app to the app folder and pray.
> > > That's what I did, just dragged the Hugin app from the DMG folder; I
> > > did not install Autopano or anything else. I did not "build" it on my
> > > mac. Maybe I should have installed/copied something that I didn't?
> > > OPERATOR ERROR?: You can see from above what worked and what
> > > ultimately didn't, I think. What is "checking rm"? which failed? Maybe
> > > I just did something stupid on the save dialog?
> > > (fyi I am used to using ultrasimple Canon Stitcher so I linked the
> > > control points manually. that much I know).
> > > Anybody have an idea what is going on?
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