Harry, I think Toshiba has less to do with the issue than the OS.  DEP
depends on both hardware and software flags.  Both are supplied by
parties outside Toshiba.  I have no doubt a buffer overflow is being
detected.  And, as I recall, this, many yarns ago, was the very first
attack on an OS:  The password buffer was 256 bytes long.  After that,
bogus passwords overwrote critical code space.

But, why now?

Looking at the history file, there have been unexplained closures of
more than hugin or GIMP; Windows Explorer also was in the list.
Presumably, closed by the hardware flag because I don't recall seeing
a message from DEP.  Perhaps the latest Windows OS update improved the
software DEP with the notification message from the system tray.  Just

We shall persist until a solution is identified.  Thanks to you all
for your participation.

On Jul 2, 3:36 pm, Harry van der Wolf <hvdw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I googled on "Toshiba Vista DEP" and found more hits on similar issues. It
> might be a Toshiba issue, not a Hugin issue.
> Harry
> 2009/7/2 Yuval Levy <goo...@levy.ch>
> > Hi again, Ryan,
> > Ryan Sleevi wrote:
> > >       I went ahead and built a binary based on the latest SVN (for native
> > > x64), through the full build process, including the installer.
> > this means that you also built enblend-enfuse? autopano-sift-c? libpano?
> > wxwidgets? and all the other SDK components? for native x64? it would be
> > nice if you could contribute documentation of the process so that we can
> > release an x64 "official" version as well.
> > we had a case recently when enblend-enfuse built with debug symbols
> > would work while stripped of them it would crash - the debug symbols
> > were just enough "padding" for the overflow not to do too much damage. I
> > hope this is not the explanation for why your build does not crash.
> > On the other hand, it could be that the bug is in the updated SDK. Would
> > have to take the old SDK, re-build the old wxWidgets to support the
> > GLCanvas and try a recent Hugin SVN against it...
> > Yuv
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