Thanks Steve.

If the 'aligning images' message comes up then celeste should have run 
successfully, but I'm guessing it has done something strange like remove 
too many CPs for alignment to work. Any chance you could send me the 
.pto and images?

Tim wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 11:01 AM, Tim Nugent<> wrote:
>> During the celeste related crash, what is the last message in the
>> dialogue box that says "finding CPs, running celeste, aligning images etc"?
>   I just tested this again to make sure I have everything straight.
> The crash usually occurs just as the "Aligning Images" dialog box
> appears, which is immediately after Celeste has finished running.
> Sometimes it will crash while the Celeste progress bar dialog is still
> being displayed, but is probably not really crashing until Celeste has
> finished its run.  I then get the same "Hugin has unexpectedly quit"
> dialog as one gets when quitting the application after having used the
> Fast Preview window.  It makes no apparent difference what control
> point placement routine I use, Pan-o-matic, Autopano Sift, etc.
>> Can you also try not running celeste automatically, and instead
>> selecting all the image on the images tab and running celeste from
>> there, then going to fast preview. Do you still get a crash?
>   No crash under the circumstances you have outlined above.
>   Steve
> > 

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