On Mon 13-Jul-2009 at 00:36 -0400, Steve Rigby wrote:
> I have two things to mention as related to the subject of this 
> message.  Firstly, how do I turn off the apparently default 
> selection within Hugin of the Fast Preview window?

You can't at the moment.

The reasoning for this is that the Assistant only automates tasks 
that can be performed in the other tabs.  A 'wizard' should have 
good defaults and not present confusing options.

It seems that it isn't just 'first timers' who use the assistant, so 
it is probably appropriate that stuff like this should become an 
option in the preferences.

e.g. some Assistant users would prefer not to see a preview at all 
and others would like to send the project to the batch processor 
instead of stitching immediately.


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