On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 10:15:48PM +0100, Bruno Postle wrote:
> On Sun 26-Jul-2009 at 09:53 -0400, Michael Galloway wrote:
> >i'm forwarding this on to the general maillist per request by ippei.
> >on this os x build of hugin, i get dramatically different previews
> >between the opengl and the normal preview, attached are a couple of
> >images of the previews. this is using ippei's current os x build, on
> >os x 10.5.6 intel.
> On Linux I see artefacts like this in the Fast preview, but mostly 
> with the more obscure output projections, and only rarely when the 
> output projection is set to 'rectilinear' or 'equirectangular'.  Do 
> you see this all the time?  Is this the same on all OS X machines?
> -- 
> Bruno

no, i did two tests with this build from ippei, a 'simple' single row 
panorama that was about 180deg in which the opengl preview was normal,
and the multirow panorama that is 360deg which displayed the problems.

-- michael

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