
Instead of using autopano-sift-c, try using 'align_image_stack'.  You should
then be able to pass the resulting tiff files to enfuse directly.  I believe
there is an option to generate a .pto which you can view as well.

If you want to continue using autopano-sift-c and these images were taken in
what is meant to be a stacked configuration, you can leave off 'b' and 'v'
when optimizing. At least I think you can.  This should only optimize for

Best Regards,

- Gerry

On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 7:22 AM, Doug <doug_bainbri...@onetel.com> wrote:

> I'm an inexperienced user of hugin, so any advice is welcome!
> Using 0.8.0 release, attempting a simple fuse of one photo (handheld)
> from two images at different exposures.
> I used autopano-sift-c to generate control points, opened the .pto file
> in hugin, removed sky points with Celeste, optimised y,p,r,b,v and
> stitched using 'Blended panorama(enfuse)'.
> In the resulting xx_fused.tif file the two exposure images are grossly
> misaligned vertically and horizontally.
> I tried adding numerous control points manually to the images before
> fusion - no different -  and fusing without optimising first - the same.
> I've had no problem with other simple fusions of two or three exposures,
> so what gives? What am I doing wrong?
> Doug
> >

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