Kornel Benko wrote:
> Am Mittwoch 09 September 2009 schrieb Ryan Sleevi:
>  >
>  > As you indicated in your follow-up, the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is what controls
>  > whether or not the compiler is set to be optimized for release mode. For
>  > the Windows platforms, all the build types are exported into a single 
> .sln
>  > and can be chosen within the MSVC ide / vcbuild command-line (CMake tries
>  > to preserve the native build semantics, and that's how it is done on
>  > Windows). FindLibraryWithDebug further eases this process for the Windows
>  > world.
> What is missing now, is the control from command line for this.

Do you mean:
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

If I remember correctly, the enblend autoconf script does use more 
aggressive optimisation options than most other packages.


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