>  When assembling a "mosaic" camera position imagine subject beeing a plane
> Xs-Ys  with  Zs constant,  and camera moved across a paralell plane  X-Y
> (with Z=0).   What would these parameter represent?
> *    shearX,shearY   =  camera position in the camera plane, this would be
> different for each picture taken
> *  tiltX,Y,Z.  rotation around the camera node (shearX,shearY), also
> different for each picture
> * tiltScale,  I guess this afect scaling of the picture... (  how does this
> relate to current FOV or an imaginary shearZ parameter?)

to be honest, I am not sure how much they will help for a mosaic. The
model for panos in libpano
is still spherical. But it is a matter of trying.

scale scales the tilt operations only. It actually scales the view
point from which the photo was originally taken.

I actually think that libpano needs a plain, simple, scaling option.
If you look at the PDF I sent, the scale
is a factor by which the field of view of the lens is multiplied in
those computations.

As I said, I am not sure what use it might have. But the feature is
there now. Perhaps for mosaic mode we
need to redesign the libpano internal model. we'll see.


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