Here are examples of the use:

This photo was not remapped:

But this one was:

and this is the output, merged (difference mode):

It was optimized using:

# specify variables that should be optimized
v Tx1 Ty1 Ts1 g1 t1 p1 r1 y1

using 17 control points in intersections of lines of floor.

And remapped using:

o f0 r-99.5957 p-0.992759 y-3.69248 v94.6652 a0.000000 b0.000000
c0.000000 g-726.252355 t558.903060 Tx54.770184 Ty-45.457790
Tz18.993815 Ts2.536055 d0.000000 e0.000000 u10 +buf

As you can see, the transformation works.

> and the output:
> and this is a photo of the same place taken:
> In this case, there is a tiltX of 32 degrees, and a tiltZ of -11 and a
> shear of -125 pixels.
> I have also added 3 parameters to the parser: Tx, Ty, and Tz, which are
> angles to rotate in degrees; and Ts, which is a scaling factor.
> I have the inverse transformations done. they are described here:
> I am struggling with the inverse ones. If anybody wants to help, I'll be
> grateful. This is the only roadblock to have an alpha version of it.
> Now, the real question for hugin developers: can somebody create a
> branch of hugin that supports these new parameters during the
> optimization? shearX, shearY, tiltX, tiltY, tiltZ and tiltScale?
> I haven't committed my code but will do soon. in its current state the
> optimizer nor the cropping works (we need the forward transform for that).
> --
> Daniel M. German
> dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
> replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .


Daniel M. German

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