
I was reading stuff about "tilt transformations" and was wondering if
it would help me build a fitting pano for a bunch of pictures I took.

If it doesn't... this might serve as a hint as to what may be
useful and developed in the future.... 

The situation
I took a bunch of pictures from about 450-500m above the Dutch
landscape. In fact the first picture was around 500m and the last
around 450. There was some wind, so there is also considerable
positional shift between the first and the last image.

The goal
To build a panorama that doesn't have visible artefacts. This is
currently not possible with Hugin. At least I couldn't manage.

The Trick
If we assume that all pixels that I shot are in one plane (which is a
good approximation of the Dutch landscape), a hugin-like optimization
step will find the position and direction of the camera relative to
the plane. This is similar to what Google does from the areal images
they took. But their task is much easier as they usually take
photographs mostly straight down.  From the pixels in the plane, we
can project again to a panoramic projection that is nice to view. This
is in a way similar to what google earth does.

The problem is that if I get "the plane" as a temporary image, it will
be inifite in size because we included the horizon in the
pictures. And I would like the horizon and the sky above to be in the
final image, which doesn't get projected on the plane.

The questions
Is this already possible to stitch with current hugin/panotools?

Would the "tilt/shift" stuff be neccesary?

Does the current "tilt/shift" stuff help in this situation?


** r.e.wo...@bitwizard.nl ** http://www.BitWizard.nl/ ** +31-15-2600998 **
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