Hi Daniel,

in the optimiser tab there is a checkbox in the bottom
 [] edit script before optimising
I often use it to optimise the shear parameters of my scanned images.

That works but I'd prefer a solution for both "shift" boxes where I
could choose from a list of other available parameters using drop down

dmg wrote:
> BTW, hugin developers, any chance you can implement using a script to
> "edit" the script before optimizing?

Another idea about the optimiser tab: the "yaw" box normally has one
value that is in a different tab marked as anchor. I think that special
anchor frame should be easily identifiable by either using a <b>BOLD</b>
font or some colour.

That anchor should also not be selected when clicking the 'select'
button (correct naming should be 'select all' btw). If the user checks
that frame directly it's his own fault...


What's the correct term for longer (floating) texts that are available
when the mouse pointer stays on some part of the gui for a longer time?
In this case they should show the file name of the frame instead just
e.g. '3(-136,240)'.

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