The exact same thing happens also on OSX. I just removed the line from the
CMakeLists.txt file. I will try tonight.
I had not reported it yet as I was working on 2 Hugin things and 2 other


2009/9/22 Kornel Benko <>

> Am Tuesday 22 September 2009 schrieb Yuval Levy:
> >
> > The CMake error, at line 33 of src/CMakeLists.txt says:
> > "set_target_properties called with incorrect number of arguments"
> I only see this line in enblend's cmake.
> It looks like OpenMP_CXX_FLAGS were not defined. Could you please check
> CMakeCache.txt for a similar variable (mybe only difference in case)
> Anyway it sholud read like:
>  if(OpenMP_CXX_FLAGS)
>    set_target_properties(${_cmd} PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS ${OpenMP_CXX_FLAGS})
>    message(STATUS "Adding PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS to ${_cmd}")
>  endif(Boost_FOUND)
> The output of running cmake should give you an indication of the value of
> And it seems to be _my_ doing.
> > this is unrelated to Christoph's recent changes (rev. 524+) - it happens
> > already in rev. 523.
> > Yuv
> Could you please try?
>        Kornel
> --
> Kornel Benko

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