Eduardo Pérez wrote:
> I have just committed the Spanish translation to the release notes.
> However, some serious proof-reading will be needing before releasing the
> translated release notes; I hope I will find the time to work on this
> myself, later.

Thank you!

note that commits to the htdocs folder in SVN (the website) are released 
almost instantly: Bruno has a cron job running that automatically 
synchronize the live website with the htdocs folder in SVN.

that said, it is OK to have work in progress there, especially since the 
2009.2.0 release notes are not linked yet from nowhere - they will 
become linked when we make the official release announcement later this 
weekend (unless a show stopper is discovered).

If we were a commercial endeavour with marketing pazzazz, I would 
withhold the code release until the release notes are ready in 47 
languages, but since we are just a bunch of people having fun and we 
don't mind the general public peeping in on our work-in-progress... the 
only thing I'd like to retain from the commercial endeavour with 
marketing pazzazz is the launch party. Should we organize one? champagne 
for everybody ;-) ???


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