Am Samstag 26 September 2009 schrieb Harry van der Wolf:
> One more item on my wishlist is to have the --no-split option back when
> creating html documentation. It could be something like -DNOSPLIT=1 and it
> will only be interpreted if -DDOC=1 has been set too.
> You have the command "COMMAND ${MAKEINFO_EXE} "--html"
> "--css-include=${TOP_SRC_DIR}/doc/default.css"".
> This command could then include ${SPLIT_OPTION} with either "--no-split" 
> or ""
> Harry

OK Harry, but should we do with the already created directory e.g. enblend.html?

I try to create enblend_file.html and  install later as  enblend.html.

Kornel Benko

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