On Sep 30, 2009, at 8:26 AM, Yuval Levy <goo...@levy.ch> wrote:

> Bruno Postle wrote:
>> So do we want a 2009.4.0 release with cpclean and lens-calibration
>> very soon? or merge the deghosting project and delay the release as
>> a result?
> the conservative me says release now that we can and merge deghosting
> after branching out the release.
> the progressive me says release now and get it out of the way, so that
> we can merge deghosting in parallel.
> the impatient me says I want to churn at the integration queue as fast
> as possible to get to gsoc2009_layout which I'd like to have as main
> course to the Christmas meal :-)


I support getting a release out before the deghosting comes in.  It is  
good for morale to have one's code released soon after it finished  
(assuming it works of course!).  The gsoc students I'm sure would agree.

Is there something about calibrate_lens or cpclean that would work  
better after deghosting is merged in?

I understand there is some work wrt to translation though, and  
apologize if I am underestimating the amount of work required to keep  
the strings up to date.

Best regards,


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