On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 09:46:37AM -0700, grow wrote:
> So it is sort of,  good-news/bad-news. ...  adding extra RAM makes the
> problematic project crash faster!

On my system the "village hotel" project crashes in just over one
minute of wall clock time:

assurancetourix:~/grow> time enblend --compression NONE -v --fine-mask 
--fine-mask -w -f12000x6000 -o t3_exposure_00.tif t3_exposure_layers_0024.tif 
Input image "t3_exposure_layers_0024.tif" RGB UINT16 position=0x3133 
Input image "t3_exposure_layers_0025.tif" RGB UINT16 position=0x3133 
Output image size: [(0, 0) to (12000, 6000) = (12000x6000)]
Loading next image: t3_exposure_layers_0024.tif
assembled images bounding box: [(0, 3133) to (12000, 6000) = (12000x2867)]
Loading next image: t3_exposure_layers_0025.tif
assembled images bounding box: [(0, 3133) to (12000, 6000) = (12000x2867)]
image union bounding box: [(0, 3133) to (12000, 6000) = (12000x2867)]
image intersection bounding box: [(0, 3133) to (12000, 6000) = (12000x2867)]
Estimated space required for mask generation: 826MB
Creating blend mask: 1/6 2/6 3/6 4/6 5/6 6/6

enblend: out of memory
41.286u 3.876s 1:06.40 67.9%    0+0k 9736+382568io 55pf+0w


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