By the way in the Fast Preview i can also easily see the intersection of the
2 pictures because they don't match perfectly (the horizon is good but in
the sky a cloud isn't stitched correctly and same a lot closer on the grass)
and there's some visible vignetting. But the blended panorama is just

On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 16:12, RizThon <> wrote:

> I'm using "Version 2009.1.0.4240 Ad Huikeshoven".
> I just dropped your 2 images in hugin (it automatically chooses "Normal
> (rectilinear)", 24mm and 3.43 for the lens info), I automatically added the
> control points and clicked the "Stitch now!" button (all default / automatic
> values: Rectilinear, FOV 36x20, size 1494x811, "Blended panorama"
> checked)and I get a nice blended panorama...
> Here's the pto project:
> # hugin project file
> #hugin_ptoversion 2
> p f0 w1494 h811 v36  E14.2408 R0 n"TIFF_m c:NONE r:CROP"
> m g1 i0 f0 m2 p0.00784314
> # image lines
> #-hugin  cropFactor=3.42522
> i w1600 h1067 f0 Eb1 Eev14.2407913106641 Er1 Ra-0.487184405326843
> Rb-0.656815350055695 Rc0.530101180076599 Rd-0.175079703330994
> Re0.266844481229782 Va1 Vb-0.562101693275359 Vc0.697986748519527
> Vd-0.465450043300806 Vx0 Vy0 a0.00981937612810012 b-0.0242854440807008
> c0.115908411251388 d0 e0 g0 p1.86975840070512 r7.45839605972155e-017 t0
> v24.6992627798865 y-6  Vm5 u10 n"_MG_8888small.jpg"
> #-hugin  cropFactor=3.42522218289397
> i w1600 h1067 f0 Eb1 Eev14.1310773935208 Er1 Ra=0 Rb=0 Rc=0 Rd=0 Re=0 Va=0
> Vb=0 Vc=0 Vd=0 Vx=0 Vy=0 a=0 b=0 c=0 d=0 e=0 g=0 p1.94688357427167
> r-4.58960554821018e-014 t=0 v=0 y5.3315254049968  Vm5 u10
> n"_MG_8889small.jpg"
> # specify variables that should be optimized
> v p1 r1 y1
> v
> # control points
> c n0 N1 x1079.11301 y596.213184 X373.027032 Y602.18922 t0
> c n0 N1 x1220.530422 y599.102304 X515.502063 Y602.735974 t0
> c n0 N1 x1162.478479 y611.132028 X458.413643 Y615.554016 t0
> c n0 N1 x1151.312451 y610.784152 X447.697109 Y615.451378 t0
> c n0 N1 x1156.34132 y624.963225 X452.109932 Y629.637137 t0
> c n0 N1 x1255.329885 y586.293772 X548.894429 Y591.38195 t0
> c n0 N1 x1156.34132 y624.963225 X452.109932 Y629.637137 t0
> c n0 N1 x1293.826983 y536.78735 X583.969347 Y542.337458 t0
> c n0 N1 x1452.982383 y578.174896 X718.702932 Y579.499934 t0
> c n0 N1 x1000.783409 y539.74238 X288.310223 Y543.714683 t0
> c n0 N1 x1184.090007 y599.721106 X480.139624 Y603.590377 t0
> c n0 N1 x1508.872868 y617.994293 X762.222422 Y613.007973 t0
> c n0 N1 x1493.373942 y613.081415 X749.654938 Y609.450382 t0
> c n0 N1 x1255.329885 y586.293772 X548.894429 Y591.38195 t0
> c n0 N1 x922.505554 y584.044079 X197.687794 Y591.935524 t0
> c n0 N1 x1000.783409 y539.74238 X288.310223 Y543.714683 t0
> c n0 N1 x946.718196 y584.221199 X224.062558 Y592.061588 t0
> c n0 N1 x1097.636405 y556.367918 X393.459208 Y561.809487 t0
> c n0 N1 x1481.369191 y624.845392 X738.565614 Y620.145061 t0
> c n0 N1 x1554.910862 y629.042134 X795.170011 Y622.561956 t0
> #hugin_optimizeReferenceImage 0
> #hugin_blender enblend
> #hugin_remapper nona
> #hugin_enblendOptions
> #hugin_enfuseOptions
> #hugin_hdrmergeOptions
> #hugin_outputLDRBlended true
> #hugin_outputLDRLayers false
> #hugin_outputLDRExposureRemapped false
> #hugin_outputLDRExposureLayers false
> #hugin_outputLDRExposureBlended false
> #hugin_outputHDRBlended false
> #hugin_outputHDRLayers false
> #hugin_outputHDRStacks false
> #hugin_outputLayersCompression PACKBITS
> #hugin_outputImageType jpg
> #hugin_outputImageTypeCompression NONE
> #hugin_outputJPEGQuality 80
> #hugin_outputImageTypeHDR exr
> #hugin_outputImageTypeHDRCompression
> On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 15:09, don <> wrote:
>> So as I said, I'm using WinXP SP3. I tried downloading (probably) the
>> latest version ( Ad Huikeshoven), which was said to work on
>> Vista. I chose default installation, run Hugin.exe, loaded images,
>> pressed Align, it started looking for control points but in the end it
>> didn't find any (previous versions did).I addded the control points
>> manually and then did some exposure optimalization - the end result
>> was nearly OK, but still I think that PS CS4 produced it slighly
>> better. But because I'm too lazy to add control points manually, I
>> went back to the last fully working version ( Ad
>> Huikeshoven), did the same (except adding control points manully - the
>> assistant took care of this), then did the optimalization (low dynamic
>> range)...and the end result was bad again. I believe I must be doing
>> something very wrong, because this seems like incredibly easy task and
>> I'd swear that few years back it would have worked for me in Hugin
>> without any problems.
>> Daniel, my panorama preview looks nothing like yours - I can clearly
>> see the stitches in mine. It is not that bad in Fast Preview Panorama
>> as it is in Preview Panorama (what is the difference?) though.
>> If any of you would like to try and have a go with the photos, I've
>> uploaded them here:
>> thanks guys.
>> On 10 říj, 03:56, dkloi <> wrote:
>> > On 9 Oct, 14:24, don <> wrote:
>> >
>> > > Thanks for the advice. I tried fiddling with the settings in EXPOSURES
>> > > tab, but that didn't give me any good result. The source photos are
>> > > JPEGs, straight from camera, both shot at 1/160 f11 @ ISO 100. To me
>> > > it seems like Hugin is doing some kind of exposure optimisation which
>> > > is not really necessary, hence the strange result. Perhaps it's worth
>> > > mentioning that I'm using the stitch assistent - I choose the two
>> > > photos from my hard drive, press ALIGN and when Hugin shows me
>> > > Panorama preview, it already looks strange (
>> > > hugin/huginpreview.jpg)
>> >
>> > What exactly did you fiddle with in the exposure tab? Try selecting
>> > Low Dynamic Range, or Low Dynamic Range with Variable White balance,
>> > and then optimise. Preview the stitch, the images should overlap
>> > pretty well even without blending.
>> >
>> > Example Pre-Exposure Optimisationhttp://
>> > Example Post-Exposure Optimisation, no blendinghttp://
>> >
>> > You camera could be doing some processing to the image prior to
>> > writing out the JPEG which could be the source of your problem. Make
>> > sure the EV numbers are the same for both images in the Camera and
>> > Lens tab. Hugin uses the EV numbers to calculate the relative
>> > brightness of the images.
>> >
>> > Cheers,
>> > Daniel.
>> >>

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