Hullo Yuv,

On Oct 19, 3:47 pm, Yuval Levy <> wrote:
> Panorama stitching and more. A powerful software package for creation
> and processing of panoramic images.
> hugin-2009.4.0_rc2 (release candidate 2) tarball is available here:

I have successfully built a Fedora x86_64 binary using mock and
libpano13-2.9.14, so I would expect Fedora i386/i586 versions to also
build without trouble.
It installs and runs OK and announces itself as version 2009.4.0.4643.
The following are the results of my first tests.
Help opens in Firefox even though my default browser is Opera, but I
suspect Firefox claims some native rights as it butts in on other
occasions as well.
The only info I could find on calibrate_lens was the man page which I
found tended to be a bit inscrutable. It might be helpful to someone
who knows all about it, but I suspect isn't very helpful to someone
who doesn't. I gave it 4 images, each of which had two reasonably well
defined straight lines (images shot at different angles of a pair of
weighted strings hanging against a brick wall). I'm really not sure
what it found, or if more has to be done with the resulting files. I
feel that this tool really needs more work to describe it's usage.
I tried cpclean, using the button in the images tab. The alignment
reported a good fit, but I tried it anyway. It reported removing 2
points. The fast preview then showed one of the two images highly
distorted...OK up to the edge of the other image and from there on all
haywire. I will try this pair of images again and some other projects
to see if I can find out anything that might be a bit more helpful.
This probably isn't as helpful as it should be, but running out of
time now and thought an early report may be better than a late one.
Hopefully more later.


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