Hi,everyone,the command lines is I use to make a  panorama
Just for sharing and discussing.
Is there any more steps to get a more optimized panorama?

panomatic --output Output.pto --fullscale --ncores 4 --sieve2width 5 --
sieve2height 5 --sieve2size 2 leftImage.jpg rightImage.jpg
(Autopano-sift-C --ransac on --refine-by-middle Output.pto
leftImage.jpg rightImage.jpg)

autooptimiser -o OutputOptim.pto -a -l -s Output.pto

nona -o out -m TIFF_m OutputOptim.pto leftImage.jpg rightImage.jpg

enblend -o finished.tif out0000.tif out0001.tif out0002.tif

BTW,the autooptimiser sometimes failed and says:
HFOV of image leftImage.jpg invalid, trying to read EXIF tags
Unable to read EXIF data from opened file:leftImage.jpg
EXIF reading failed, please specify HFOV with -v
What's wrong may it be??


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