
I just compiled hugin from trunk ("Pre-Release 2009.5.0.4819", libpano
also from trunk) on an up-to-date Hugin Jaunty system where it hadn't
been installed before.

  b...@ubuntu-bart:~/src/hugin$ mkdir build-linux && cd build-linux
  b...@ubuntu-bart:~/src/hugin$ cmake ..
  b...@ubuntu-bart:~/src/hugin$ make && make install

Compiling went like a charm, installing seemed to go fine, but after
that, I couldn't start Hugin. First I tried from the menu using the
auto-generated menu item under Graphics/Hugin. No success: nothing
happened. When running it from the command line, I got this error

  b...@ubuntu-bart:~$ hugin
  hugin: error while loading shared libraries: libhuginbase.so.0.0:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Upon inspection, this file was however found in /usr/local/lib, like
it should, I presume. A quick search using Google revealed that the
installer had forgotten about one little statement: 'ldconfig'. After
running 'sudo ldconfig' manually, I am now comfortably looking at a
nice Hugin GUI.

Could this be because I didn't do "cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/
local .." as INSTALL_cmake says I should, or is there really something
missing in the generated makefiles? I suspect the latter, because a
search for 'ldconfig' didn't yield any results:

  b...@ubuntu-bart:~/src/hugin$ grep -R "ldconfig" *

This search includes the CMake generated files, since they are in a
I'm not the first to encounter this exact same issue, Bruno and others
have helped out someone else before in a 2 year old thread [0]. Might
be a CMake issue [1]. My version:

  b...@ubuntu-bart:~/src/hugin$ cmake --version
  cmake version 2.6-patch 2

So, do we need a patch (not sure how to include this in the CMake
process), or just instruct to run 'sudo ldconfig' manually?

[1] http://www.google.nl/search?q=cmake+ldconfig


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