> Try this with any other source package, you don't need to be root to
> run:
>   make install DESTDIR=/tmp/foo
> This isn't just academic, every package on your Linux system was built
> exactly like this with non-root user accounts.

Ah! Interesting, thanks! Summarizing, we now have three approaches

0. Create build folder (all; not really necessary but prevents
cluttering the source folders):
  mkdir build
  cd build

1. Use root privileges to install directly from binaries, into default
location (/usr/local/):
  cmake ..
  sudo make install
  sudo ldconfig

2. Use root privileges to install from package (in this case, a Debian/
Ubuntu package):
  make package
  sudo dpkg -i hugin-*.deb

3. Use normal user privileges to install in user directory
  cmake ..
  make install DESTDIR=/some/non-root/dir

Did I still miss anything (install from package into custom non-root
directory maybe)?
Thanks Kornel and Bruno!


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