Andreas -

        Thanks a lot!  It looks like you are the
first one who peeks inside the package and not
just drools over the new web layout.

On Dec 20, 2:47 pm, Andreas Metzler <>
> There seems to be a tiny bug in the tarball building script, the file
> VERSION is not shipped. This breaks re-running of autoconf, since
> reads the file's contents.

The bug was fixed in two ways.

1. In the hg repo with rev 741c9aa549cd
   This is the clean solution, but it will not
   be effective until 4.1.

2. I refreshed the tarball on SourceForge.  This
   is ugly (*), but it should help a lot of
   people.  When I was at it, I regenerated the
   static manual pages in the "src" directory.

Thanks again,

(*) For the SCM non-wizards: The new tarball can
    never be automatically regenerated from the
    repo with e.g. "make dist".  SCM wizards
    become huffy when this happens.

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