On Dec 21, 10:15 am, Daniel Reetz <danre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Do we want
> this part of the interface to describe accurately the underlying
> technology or the relevant part of the Hugin process?
I think this is the right question.  In the end the users don't care
about the underlying technology, they only want to know how to
intuitively make the software work without without reading a manual
cover to cover.

So Bruno's suggestion to get al list of technical terms together which
need to be simplified is probably the first task.

I'd propose that we do two things with this list which I would be
happy to contribute my efforts to.  The first is translating the the
technical terms to intuitive or common language terms.  The second
would be to see if we can icon-ize the terms so they are explained
visually by some small graphic.

Once these two things are accomplished you can always add a pop up
hover note to any icon button or term to show the technical term and
its definition or explanation.


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