Hi all,
while I wish I had the time to try to get my hugin to compile I can at 
least do a little on the translation. So here are a few questions:

Could somebody point me out what exactly is meant by "excess" in 
"Calculate crop borders such that the final images has the largest area 
without excess"? Is it white space?

Does anybody have an idea how to translate (de)ghosting into German (or 
with what other terms have other translators come up? I have looked into 
French and "Suppression d'éléments fantômes" would be "Unterdrückung von 
Phantomelementen". Not so bad, but I'm not content.

Has anybody had an idea how to translate "stitcher". The direct 
tranlation doesn't make much sense in German. A nice short term like 
"stitcher" would be needed, but I can think of long clumsy expressions only.

Where is "upstream" used?

What about translating "advanced options" with "ausführliche Optionen"? 
I haven't seen other occurences of advanced (in this meaning) in hugin.

The translation of "Calculate optimal image size, such that the 
resolution in the image center stays similar" has been marked fuzzy. Has 
the English original changed? I find "Optimale Bildgröße berechnen, so 
dass die Auflösung der Bildmitte etwa der Originalauflösung entspricht" 
still quite good.

Output modes again: Has the term "merge" been discussed before? (I can 
only remember discussing blending and fusing.) "Verschmelzen" is the 
direct translation, I tend to use it.

When saving I get
19:50:36: D:\hugin-trunk\src\translations\de.po:406: number of format 
specifications in 'msgid' and 'msgstr' does not match
19:50:36: msgfmt: found 1 fatal error
I can't remember I had changed anything anywhere. Just pulled the 
current version and worked on translations as always. I'll rather not 
upload the file in this state?


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