On Sat 26-Dec-2009 at 20:20 +0100, J. Schneider wrote:
>Where is "upstream" used?

In the new About dialog window, there are some 'tabs':

    About  Authors  Sponsors  Upstream  License

The Upstream tab contains some mention of other software used in 
Hugin such as Vigra, enblend etc...

>The translation of "Calculate optimal image size, such that the
>resolution in the image center stays similar" has been marked fuzzy. Has
>the English original changed?

The capitalisation and trailing full stops in the tooltips have been 
made consistent.  So the string punctuation has probably changed 
slightly, but gettext is still able to match it.

>When saving I get
>19:50:36: D:\hugin-trunk\src\translations\de.po:406: number of format
>specifications in 'msgid' and 'msgstr' does not match
>19:50:36: msgfmt: found 1 fatal error
>I can't remember I had changed anything anywhere. Just pulled the
>current version and worked on translations as always. I'll rather not
>upload the file in this state?

The format specifications are stuff like '%s' which are interpreted 
at runtime.  The problem section looks like this:

    msgid ""
    "Too many arguments (images). Try using the %%s parameter in preferences.\n"
    " Could not execute command: %s"
    msgstr ""
    "Zu viele Argumente (Bilder). Versuchen Sie den %s-Parameter in den "
    "Einstellungen zu benutzen.\n"
    "Konnte das KOmmando nicht ausführen: "

This looks like it will go wrong, it should look something like this:

    msgstr ""
    "Zu viele Argumente (Bilder). Versuchen Sie den %%s-Parameter in den "
    "Einstellungen zu benutzen.\n"
    "Konnte das KOmmando nicht ausführen: %s"


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