Hi Harry,

On 3 Jan., 13:08, Harry van der Wolf <hvdw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Pablo,
> Many thanks for this achievement. Even though the current autopano-sift-c
> and panomatic doe their job very nicely, it is really getting a pain in the
> backside to have to deal with this patent/license circumstances.
> I've tried to build it but it breaks on
> [ 23%] Building CXX object keypoints/CMakeFiles/
> keypoints.dir/keypoints.cpp.o
> /Users/Shared/development/hugin_related/panomatic-lib/keypoints/keypoints.c­pp:35:27:
> error: vigra/impex.hxx: No such file or directory

> When installing vigra it works OK, but vigra is not part of this bazaar
> branch.

Yes, it requires an external vigra lib.

> Did you intend this to be or become part of hugin. If so, do I need to or
> can I put this panomatic-lib somewhere in the hugin tree?

Currently it is not part of hugin. I'm still undecided if I should
keep it as a separate program, or embed it directly into hugin. For
the moment it is really a first test and not meant for shipping as a
default control point generator.

> Next to this I get a lot of errors about:
> -- Performing Test
> boost_python_/usr/lib_/usr/include/python2.5_boost_python-gcc-mt_compile
> -- Performing Test
> boost_python_/usr/lib_/usr/include/python2.5_boost_python-gcc-mt_compile -
> Failed
> -- Performing Test
> boost_python_/usr/lib_/usr/include/python2.5_boost_python-mt_compile
> -- Performing Test
> boost_python_/usr/lib_/usr/include/python2.5_boost_python-mt_compile -
> Failed
> (and many more lines)
> It creates the build files though and everything is compiled fine as well
> (after installing vigra). Is this python_boost "thing" a requirement? And
> what does it do?

It is not required, but can be used (in the future...) to call the
core detection routines from python. This is useful for further
parameter tweaking scripts. Currently this is an untested features.

> Finally when starting panomatic it displays the normal help screen but ends
> in:
> ThreadQueue waiting on remaining threads...
> Reference thread created.
> 1 reference-thread added.
> pollUserThreads()
> pollReferenceThreads()
> Thread destroyed.
> 1 reference-thread reclaimed.
> ThreadQueue destroyed
> Is this normal or is it something from OSX or boost-python or..??

I also get that message, it could be that I enabled a debug flag in
March 2009, but forgot about it. Its not serious.


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