> The tutorial method is only really stable with lots of lines in the 
> scene (or multiple photos).

If that is the only reason for my problems, it should probably be
mentioned exactly on that page... I lost hours by trying to reproduce
the example :-(

> The same system was developed into a command-line tool in this 
> year's summer of code - calibrate_lens is part of the Hugin 2009.4.0 
> release: http://hugin.sourceforge.net/releases/2009.4.0/
> This tool does exactly what you want, but needs some documentation 
> to be usable.

This sounds very promising. Unfortunately, I am using Hugin under
Windows and there doesn't seem to be a binary installation package for
the newest Windows version yet (?). The newest version with a Windows
installation package I could find was 2009.2 and this doesn't seem to
contain a program with the name mentioned by you (?).

Anyway, I would need some kind of tutorial in order to use that package
I guess. I would be even willing to write one (in English), if somebody
would support me in doing so.

Wolfgang Hugemann

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