Hi everyone,

I'm trying to find out how I can change the stacking order of the
photos when Hugin is stitching a panorama together. I'm using version
0.8.0 on Ubuntu 9.04, by the way.

Let me explain: I have a bunch of photos I took of Manhattan, from the
New Jersey side of the Hudson, and I want to make a panorama of them.
Unfortunately, the second photo from the left (which has the Empire
State building on it), is out of focus. Hugin still manages to produce
a very good panorama, but the entire section where the Empire State
building is is out of focus. You can see it here:

Now, the third photo from the left also has the Empire State building,
and it is in focus. However, because photo 2 overlaps photo 3, and
Hugin stacks photo 2 above photo 3, the portion of photo 3 which has
the Empire State building and is in focus is hidden behind photo 2.

My question is, is there a way to influence the stacking order of the
photos? I want photo 2 to be behind *all* the other photos, so that as
small a portion of the panorama as possible is out of focus. How can I
do that? Are there other ways I can achieve the same effect?

I hope my explanation is clear enough, and that someone here can help
me. Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,
Pepijn Schmitz

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