Captain Chaos wrote:

> My question is, is there a way to influence the stacking order of the
> photos? I want photo 2 to be behind *all* the other photos, so that as
> small a portion of the panorama as possible is out of focus. How can I
> do that? Are there other ways I can achieve the same effect?

I use the same methods as the replies above - a combination of
cropping and altering image order - not exactly for out-of-focus shots
but for the times when image distortion near the edges tends to make
optimisation difficult, resulting in stitching artifacts.

What I've been thinking about for the past couple of years is that the
interface could do with some tweaks to help in this process:

1. image re-ordering is excruciatingly slow, even on a fast machine,
and can only be done with one image at a time.  With multi-row panos
this can make shifting a whole row or column take a long time of etc.  I do understand that reordering the
images means altering all the CP tables in the process, which is the
part that takes the time .. perhaps, though, it might be possible to
add a way to select multiple images and shift them all as a block, or
to suspend the table-shifting until after the order has been
rearranged?  In some cases I've prerendered all the images uncropped
and rendered the final pano with something like enblend-gui [where
changing the order is instantaneous] because it actually takes less
time to do than simply reordering the images in Hugin.

2. It may be asking a lot in terms of programming, but it would be
really REALLY useful to have crop masks that aren't simply rectangles,
either free-drawn or polygonal.

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