Hi all,

Thanks to some alert users who were missing things, I searched and
found that there were no less than 4 executables missing from the
previous installers. I corrected this, so in the newest release
candidate you will find

When you install this version, please take some time to read through
the licence file and the release notes and don't click them away
immediately. If you notice anything you think should be changed, let
me and others know by posting to this list so it can be discussed and/
or changed before a final version is released. For those who would
like to join the discussion but have no Windows I will include the
text of these files at the bottom of my post.
Also test as much as you can find the time for, it is better to catch
problems before releasing everything to the general public. I will
wait at least one week before declaring this final, if issues come up
that are serious or easy to solve it may be longer.
One known 'issue' is that there is no autopano (sift-c or other) or
panomatic included in the bundle. This is a choice, not an omission,

I made a pretty simple job of the release notes for the installer:
"Release notes for the Windows installer of hugin 2009.4.0

New in this package with respect to the 2009.02 version:

-A brand new version of Hugin, of course. See below for the hugin
release notes.
-No patented control point generators included with this installer.
Unfortunately, there is no control point detector available that is
patent-free worldwide, so there is no automatic control point
generation in this version. If you are in a position that you can
legally do so, please download one of the control point generators
compatible with hugin (e.g. autopano-sift-c, autopano, panomatic) from
wherever they are available and move it to the hugin/bin directory.
-A new version of Enblend: 4.0. For information on what's new in
enblend 4.0 go to http://enblend.sourceforge.net/ "

Below that the release notes of the hugin 2009.4.0 source are copied.
The installer licence is adapted from the version in the tarball and
looks like this:

"Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Pablo d'Angelo.
Additional Authors see AUTHORS.txt files in the documentation.
Built and packaged for binary redistribution 2010/01/05 by Allard.


You can uninstall your previous version of hugin, install multiple
versions in parallel or install this version over a previous version.
If you have problems with old settings, these can be reset in the
Preferences by clicking 'Load defaults'.


The programs in this installer may not work as expected. Use them at
your own risk.
This installer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

You are free to use, copy, distribute, modify this installer or parts
thereof, and unless you distribute you should not be worried by
the following licensing terms.

All files in this archive are subject to the included licenses.
Details in


Distribution in compliance with GPL permitted and encouraged.
If you distribute, you MUST include a copy of the applicable
licenses and give access to the source code of executable binaries.

The source code for the binaries can be accessed at

enblend <http://sourceforge.net/cvs/?group_id=123407>
hugin <http://sourceforge.net/svn/?group_id=77506>
panotools <http://sourceforge.net/svn/?group_id=96188>


Basic information:
- start hugin from the start / all programs menu. Use the help menu.
- start binaries from the command line with no arguments.

Further usage information may be found at

It is likely that some or all information at the above page does not
to the software installed. Some functions may be
incomplete, broken, obsolete, new or otherwise missing in action.
Should you find this is the case, please report it to the sourceforge
bug tracker.

Before reporting problems with the documentation or asking for
please download the latest version of this installer from
and see if it solves the problems you'd like to report. "

Cheers, Allard
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