On 10 Jan, 09:12, allard <a...@allardkatan.net> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Thanks to some alert users who were missing things, I searched and
> found that there were no less than 4 executables missing from the
> previous installers. I corrected this, so in the newest release
> candidate you will find
> -calibrate_lens.exe
> -cpclean.exe
> -panoinfo.exe
> -tca_correct.exe
> When you install this version, please take some time to read through
> the licence file and the release notes and don't click them away
> immediately. If you notice anything you think should be changed, let
> me and others know by posting to this list so it can be discussed and/
> or changed before a final version is released. For those who would
> like to join the discussion but have no Windows I will include the
> text of these files at the bottom of my post.

> Basic information:
> - start hugin from the start / all programs menu. Use the help menu.
> - start binaries from the command line with no arguments.
> Further usage information may be found at
> <http://wiki.panotools.org/Hugin>
> <http://wiki.panotools.org/Enblend>
> <http://wiki.panotools.org/Enfuse>
> <http://wiki.panotools.org/Panotools>
> <http://wiki.panotools.org/Panorama_Tools_Plugins>
> It is likely that some or all information at the above page does not
> apply
> to the software installed. Some functions may be
> incomplete, broken, obsolete, new or otherwise missing in action.
> Should you find this is the case, please report it to the sourceforge
> bug tracker.
> Before reporting problems with the documentation or asking for
> support,
> please download the latest version of this installer from
> <http://sourceforge.net/projects/hugin/>
> and see if it solves the problems you'd like to report. "
> Cheers, Allard

I get the following error:
Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol
(c) isn't associated with any program.
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