Since I've began building from source (about 0.7.x) I've had a terrible time 
getting hugin to create matching points between photos. I've been vocal about 
it, grumping a bit more than i should. Eventually I chose to go back to the 
standard "sudo aptitude install hugin" and use the distro's binary.  This sets 
me back a bit, as Ubuntu currently uses 0.8.x

Recently I thought I would try building from source again, building inside a VM 
and then exporting the binary's to my stitching computer. I was a bit surprised 
when the photo set that was stitched had only 1 pair of matches from 15 photos. 
 Surprised because I had stitched this set earlier in the month with 0.8.x and 
it worked perfectly.

At this point I began to wonder what was different, so I began testing, first 
by purging the hugin binary and associated programs and then using the distro 
binary instead.  Again it worked perfectly, and switching back to the source 
build, it failed miserably.

This has set me thinking that perhaps there are some optimizations or autopano 
arguments or something that is being done to the hugin binary or configuration 
on the distro side.

I'm building the binary from source exactly as in the wiki.  I'm building 
enblend, libpano13, hugin, and autopano-sift-c

My distro has the following binary through aptitude:

autopano-sift{a} enblend{a} enfuse{a} hugin hugin-data{a} hugin-tools{a} 
libpano13-1{a} libpano13-bin{a} 

Autopano arguments are:

--maxmatches %p --projection %f,%v %o %i

I'd like to use the new hugin features, but I'm stuck at 0.8.x :(


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