Dale Beams <drbe...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I'm building the binary from source exactly as in the wiki.  I'm
> building enblend, libpano13, hugin, and autopano-sift-c

> My distro has the following binary through aptitude:

> autopano-sift{a} enblend{a} enfuse{a} hugin hugin-data{a}
> hugin-tools{a} libpano13-1{a} libpano13-bin{a} 

> Autopano arguments are:

> --maxmatches %p --projection %f,%v %o %i

The big obvious difference is that Ubuntu's binary defaults to using 
autopano-sift (mono), while you are building autopano-sift-c.

You could try using the distro'sautopano-sift (mono) with the
source-built binary by adding

autopano-complete --points %p -o %o %i

as cp-generator.

I am just guessing, but this grabbed my eye.

cu andreas
`What a good friend you are to him, Dr. Maturin. His other friends are
so grateful to you.'
`I sew his ears on from time to time, sure'

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