On Feb 1, 6:28 am, Chris Parrish <chris.parr...@swankinnovations.com>
> I am building a script that batch creates PTO and PTO.MK files for
> sets of pano images.  I do this based on templates of these files (I
> use a pano head allowing me to reuse the same script settings in these
> templates).
> The problem is that, while I can keep the lens and transform settings,
> I do need to change the Eev value to match the actual images' exposure
> values.  I can get all the data using EXIFTOOL but when I calculate
> the EV I don't get what Hugin is getting.
> Does anyone know Hugin's actual formula?

EV (light value) is fairly standard, Hugin should be doing it the same
as exiftool (and does as far as I know).

It's a log scale where a value of 0.0 is defined as f/1.0 at 1.0
second with ISO 100), this is how it is calculated:

    (2*log ($aperture) - log($et) - log($iso/100)) / log(2)


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