On 3 mrt, 00:03, Daniel Reetz <danre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 6:04 AM, Bruno Postle <brunopos...@googlemail.com> 
> wrote:
> > On 1 March 2010 18:36, Aron H <aron.hel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> perhaps 'daisy_geoblur' might be better. What do you think, Pablo?
> > 'daisy' is good, I like 'daisychain', 'daisypicker' or 'upsydaisy'
> > (hmm, I've been watching too much children's television).
> You know, it might be useful to call it something more informative
> than illustrative. Daisy is good, but I'd never search for Daisy if I
> was searching for a non-patented control point detector.

However you'd search for Hugin if you were to find a panorama creation
tool... I don't think this is a strong argument. Why not use a nice
name like Daisy and add a short description, (like Hugin has:
"panorama photo stitcher")? You'd still be able to find it that way.
And to end users such a name is more friendly too. Well, that's my

And what about when another patent free feature detector is build?
You'd end up with confusion if you only use a descriptive name, or
you'd have to resort to full descriptive names like scientific papers
often do (ugly!). Remember qtpfsgui? I definitely wouldn't vote for
that one.

> If this were my project, I would seriously call it "Patent Free
> Feature Detector". And in this perfect world, everyone would use it
> because it would be so plain and obvious and clear... and Google-able.

That is, if you know your panorama-creation program should "detect
features" in the source images. It's only obvious once you know what
you should be looking for.


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