The name of Hugin itself comes from Norse mythology [0] (Huginn and
Muninn [1], which stand for thought and memory respectively, are the
ravens who tell Odin how the earth is doing). I think it may be a nice
idea to steal another name there.

So... what about Loki? According to its Wikipedia article [2], "Loki
assists the gods, and sometimes causes problems for them. Loki is a
shape shifter and in separate incidents he appears in the form of a
salmon and a mare.". Certainly a feature detector assists our precious
Hugin, and certainly this sometimes will cause problems (bad matches
etc.). I don't know about the internal working but it might do some
shape shifting too. Anyway afterwards the images (shapes) will be
shifted based on the feature points found.

Besides that, Loki sounds a bit like "localize", which is what it
does, it localizes points which will be used to connect the images.

Of course we could also add a cheesy backronym [3] like "Locally
Oriented Keypoint Indexer" (depending on what it actually does under
the hood this might or might not be correct), or "Localizer of
Orientation independent Keypoints of Interest". Anyone with a cheese-o-
matic can think of even nicer backronyms, if you tune the machine
correctly. ;-)



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