Bruno Postle schrieb:
On Mon 19-Apr-2010 at 14:17 -0700, Battle wrote:

So where are my bottle necks? The optimization process in hugin proper in the 32 bit build seems slow. On smaller projects of 10 to 20 images the optimization tab can take almost as long as actually stitching the project. I don't know whether a 64 bit version of the Hugin UI would address this or if this is an issue with another sub program. Since I don't know where the optimization is taking place or if it is multithreaded or otherwise optimized for multiple core machines I think its not possible for me to answer whether a 64 bit build of Hugin is useful.

Yes for big projects the optimisation is a bottleneck as it is single-threaded. As far as I know there is no plan to make this multi-threaded, or even if it is possible.

The best way to speed up the optimisation is to exploit the problem structure when doing the optimisation. Currently a general purpose nonlinear least square minimiser is used in libpano

This is very inefficient for large problems where the variables are only sparsely connected. A sparse levenberg marquardt algorithm would work wonders there. There is a fast implementation for 3D reconstruction problems that could be adapted to optimize panoramas However, it is too inflexible (all pictures can only have the same number of parameters, no linking of parameters possible) for use within hugin or libpano.


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