On 5 Lug, 08:52, David Haberthür <david.haberth...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Christian
> > I've used Hugin to make some equirectangular 360x180 panorama from
> > within some videogames (most racing and flight simulators, my
> > favourite kind of videogames). Just would like to share them if you
> > are interested:http://www.flickr.com/search/?q=panogame&w=39174608%40N04
> They look very interesting, great idea. Did you take the screenshots by hand 
> while looking in the different directions or did you automate the process?

I thought of automating the process (in particular for Flightgear that
is very customizable with xml) but I've almost zero knowledge on
programming so they were taken "by hand"

> > From a technical point of view, I noticed that autopano-sift-C had a
> > lot of problem getting the control points right so I ended up by
> > identifying them manually most of the time.
> This might be because there's no real lens information from your screenshots. 
> Did you play around with the "Lens Type" to see what difference that makes?
> Greetings, Habi

No, I've just inserted, when requested from Hugin, a FOV that was
reasonable. In a couple of cases was only needed the assistant tab.


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