Hi all,

(I know that some users deliberately disable Exiftool, so this mail will not
be relevant for them. Please do not use this mail to advocate for or against
Exiftool use)

Currently Hugin uses the following exiftool option tags: "-ImageDescription
-Make -Model -Artist -W hitePoint -Copyright -GPS:all -DateTimeOriginal
-CreateDate -UserComment -ColorSpace -OwnerName -SerialNumber"

These parameters are missing the "-icc_profile" and the  "-XMP"  option tags
from exiftool. I think that users working with "icc profiled" images might
find strange color casts or "slightly off" colors or "faded"  colors in
their final panos. colorspace is not the only parameter that should be used
when using images with color profiles.

IMHO, Hugin could and should also use: "-icc_profile -XMP".  (XMP is a very
detailed "array/record of info" and contains lots of exif info as well as
Raw image info copied from your RAW images to jpg/tif/png etc. but also for
movie container formats)
Also the option tags "-IPTC:all -JFIF:all" should be used/copied in my

I would like to add these option tags to the exiftool params in hugin (note:
that is hugin wide and not only OSX).
Please let me know your arguments for not applying or absolutely applying
these options to Hugin.

Also: If you think other parameters should be added or removed, respond as


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