Thomas> I'm sure the trick is doable, but it clearly needs both good
 Thomas> legal preparation and good management of the patent rights. 
 Thomas> Which in turn need to be sustained by some revenue.  So it
 Thomas> won't happen unless I can actually find some customers who want
 Thomas> to build and sell Panini-based products.  If I were 20 years
 Thomas> younger I'd probably try to start a company to make TV and
 Thomas> movie rendering software (and probably lose my shirt) but as it
 Thomas> is, someone else is going to have to do that.  If any of you
 Thomas> wants to volunteer, or knows how to sell new technology to TV
 Thomas> or movie producers (or JVC Corporation, for that matter)  I
 Thomas> would be happy to hear about it.

I had informal (ie. non legal) conversation with E. Moglen and Bradley
M. Kuhn (Technology Director of Software Freedom Law Center) with regard
to this issue. The FSF would helps us with any questions regarding this

I described to them the main issue and it seems that the simplest
solution for everybody (the patent holders and libpano/hugin) is that
you, Tom, re-license the code from its current license (BSD-3 clauses)
to a GPLv3+. 

Our code is GPLv2+ hence, it can link with GPLv3+ as in practice it will
become GPLv3 at build time.

Now, from a more pragmatic issue, the uncertainty of if a patent is
going to exist or not is an important issue. Tom, your intention is to
patent, and therefore we must take the necessary steps to address this
potential problem. 

Tom, do you make a claim on the Equirectangular Pannini?


Daniel M. German         
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .

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