I have had the same problem in the past. There is a thread dealing
with the issue, and it does appear to be a bug in enblend. One
solution that seems to work consistently is to use hugin/nona to
produce the warped images and then to use enblend via command line to
produce two overlapping partial panoramas and then again to blend
those two. You can find the initial invoking of enblend in the window
that echos the stitching process and copy that text into a simple text
editor. Then you modify the text to do the partial stitches. One thing
that happens on my mac is that the automatic invocation of enblend
lists the files to be blended one to a line and in order to use
enblend from the command line the entire command must be a single line
with no hard returns.
For example
/Applications/HUGINstuff/enblend-enfuse-4.0-mac/enblend-openmp  --
compression LZW -v -v -w -f240000x7834+0+1625 -o outfilename.tif
infilename001.tif infile002.tif ..... where all of this is on a single
line and the 240000x7834+0+1625 refers to WIDTHxHEIGHT+BOTTOM_CROP
(it is possible I have the top and bottom crop mixed up, but you will
see the correct way if you examine the invocation of enblend in the
output window as noted above.

Bill Brody

On Sep 9, 10:29 am, "John McAllister" <sp...@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi Panoheads...
> I have been stitching and enblending sixteen 15Mpix images (8x2), producing 
> 195Mpix pictures.
> I am being bothered by some odd artifacts appearing in the output.
> The artifacts consist of one or more dead straight lines, spanning up to a 
> half of the width of the pictures and tilted slightly down.
> The lines are quite thick, generally black, but white over a lighter 
> background, and appear to be feathered.
> I suspect Enblend.
> They also seem to be arbitrary in that repeat blends of the same set do not 
> reproduce the same blemishes.
> I have included a JPEG, which is scaled about 1:11, to illustrate.
> Help!!!
>  Artifact.jpg
> 12KViewDownload

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