Hullo KJF,

On Sep 24, 6:06 am, kfj <> wrote:


> From whatever angle I approach hugin, it's an uphill struggle. And I
> really want to like it and use it and recommend it, because I'm all
> for free software, and because I know there is a really good program
> inside hugin that is struggling to come out!

I read your story a couple of times, and drafted a few responses
before this one.
As Bruno says, there do seem to be problems with Windows builds.
I would suggest installing VirtualBox with a linux guest and trying
one of the available hugin linux packages.
There are builds available for Fedora and I think also for Ubuntu.
The release versions of hugin on linux are usually very stable and not
too difficult to come to grips with. There is an initial learning
curve, but that isn't unusual, and after that it isn't difficult and
works quite well.
I have had problems, from time to time, with builds of the trunk, but
that is part of the testing process and to be expected.
Hopefully you will get a better experience trying a linux build, and
that some of the Windows builders will take the discussion and help
you get a Windows build sorted.
Just my two bob's worth.


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