On Mac OS X you just need to download an image (dmg) or a zip file from Harry's site [1], open that and drag the contents do the desired folder. hugin installation done... (hugin-mac-2010.2.0-rc1-p2 from 18 Sept 2010 works fine on my oldish G5 PowerMac)

Next step is to once download the needed CP generators as described in the folder "Control Point Generators" that comes with hugin. Just follow what's written in "Read me first (Mac).rtfd".

What other hurdles do you see?


Gareth schrieb am 24.09.10 10:23:

However, I still gather lots of useful information from this
community, and perhaps will revisit Hugin as a tool when I can easily
install and configure on my Macbook.

[1] <http://panorama.dyndns.org/index.php?lang=en&subject=Hugin&texttag=Hugin>

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