On September 24, 2010 06:04:38 am kfj wrote:
> My proposition was to use the information in the
> EXIF tag 'LensModel' to pick a specific lens .ini file.

Sorry, I completely had overseen that thread :(

Yes, could make sense.  Do you feel comfortable enough with Hugin's codebase 
to start giving it a try?  You'll find plenty of mentorship here.

> http://groups.google.com/group/hugin-ptx/browse_thread/thread/cf6bba0d7babb
> 4a5#
> (I hope that's the right way to refer to another thread

yes it.

in the meantime, I don't know why I have not thought of it first.  A  
workaround for Henk would be to do

exiftool -TagsFromFile original.raw converted.jpg

works on Linux/Mac/Windows and restores the originally working EXIF tags.  A 
finer grained selection of tags is possible too.


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