On Friday, September 24, 2010 04:35:43 am Yuval Levy wrote:
> Thanks, Carl.
> On September 24, 2010 01:46:08 am Carl von Einem wrote:
> > Eric is right, it's about the dynamic range of negatives vs. positive
> You taught me sonething.  I always thought they had the same
> characteristics...

Slide film has about an 8 stop dynamic range depending on the particular film.  
This is very similar to what we see with digital cameras although some may 
have a wider dynamic range.  With color negative film this can be as much as 20 
stops and most are at least 15 stops.  This is a distinct advantage when 
shooting panos that have things like the sun and deep shadows in the same 
scene.  In other words by default negative film is an HDR medium if it is used 
correctly (IE. expose for the shadows).

On the other hand slide film generally has a better (IE. finer) grain structure 
and as a result tends to have better detail if the cameras glass is good 

But for me the real bummer with slide film is that Kodachrome is no longer 
available and the last place that processed it just closed down a few months 

> > To put it the other way round: is there a reason why you would prefer
> > slide film over negs if we put away all digital cameras for a moment?
> ... and that the difference was made by the output "medium" (paper vs.
> light).
> My reason to prefer slides over negatives for my silver-based photography
> back in the time was the size and vibrance of a projection compared with
> the small size, environmental impact, and relatively less vibrant sight of
> a printed negative.  Nothing to do with stitching.  A lot to do with
> available wall space.  And with money too - I'd be bankrupt had I printed
> my selected slide show on Ilfochrome.
> I first came to slides when I got introduced to underwater photography. 
> Then I used one roll of slides on land and was immediately sold.
> Yuv

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